General podiatry or chiropody refers to the treatment of conditions that effect the lower limb, foot and ankle. Our experienced HCPC registered Podiatry team are experts in the treatment of conditions such as hard skin (callus), corns, thick nails, verruca’s, ingrown toe nails and dry cracked heels.
Chiropody Services

Toenail & Fingernail Cut
Toe and Fingernail cutting appointment. This appointment will last approximately 15 minutes

Hand Wart Consultation
Wart consultation service to customers who are worried or concerned about warts on your hands. This appointment will be about 15 minutes long

Nail Surgery Consultation
15 minute nail surgery consultation to discuss whether or not nail surgery is the best option for your on-going nail problems

Single Service Appointment
Perfect for patients who are suffering with a single problem on their foot. This appointment will last for approximately 15 minutes

Verruca Consultation
The verruca consultation will last for approximately 15 minutes. During the appointment we will diagnose and discuss all treatment options available.

Swift Verruca/Wart Treatment
The state of the art treatment available for verrucae. This option comes with an 80% success rate.

Simple Nail Cut
This service involves simply the cutting of stubborn or hard to reach toenails. The appointment will last for approximately 15 minutes

A thorough examination of the foot and lower limb. Treatments will include reduction of corns and callus, verruca treatments and management of ingrown toenails.

Nail Surgery
This is a procedure that will be undertaken with a local anaesthetic to remove the painful ingrown toenail and prevent it from re-growing. This package includes the surgery plus a follow up and re-dress the next day as well as a further follow up to check healing progress.

Verruca Treatments
This treatment is designed to get the body to recognise the verrucae and initiate an immune response which will then attack the verrucae and resolve the situation.