Bespoke Orthotic Insoles

Price: £165
Bespoke Orthotic Insoles
£165 Book Now


Bespoke orthotic insoles are used to reduce load on injured or damaged tissue including tendon, fascia and muscle. During your biomechanical assessment the podiatrist would have collected a lot of information and data that will be used to help diagnose the injury you have presented with. Once all of the information has been collected the podiatrist will then decide if orthotic insoles will be beneficial. If they are the podiatrist will then build an orthotic prescription, designed specifically to relieve pain and symptoms.

Bespoke orthotic insoles or custom made insoles are made by taking a cast, impression or scan of the foot. Once the scan has been taken the mould or base can then be created and during the manufacturing process. Certain elements of the insole can be built in to the device. Some elements of the prescription will still be needed to be added to the insoles such as correction, padding, heel raises etc.

This type of insole has been used very successfully in the treatment of conditions like Plantar Fasciitis, Achilles tendinopathy, shin pain, heel pain, posterior tibial tendonitis, collapsed arches etc. This type of insoles is also used successfully for patients who have larger, wider foot types.

The lead time for this type of insole is slightly longer due to the manufacturing process. We expect this type of insole to be available from 5-7 working day.

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