
Price: £40
Chiropody Available at The Healthcare Hub Whitchurch, Cardiff
£40 Book Now


For new patients that have never been to our Hub locations in Whitchurch or Canton the initial appointment cost is: £45 – Future appointments will then be priced at £40 per appointment. 

Chiropody and Podiatry are one and the same, our chiropodists will have graduated university with a degree in Podiatry which allows them to join the Health Care Professions Council. This gives our patients the peace of mind that they are dealing with a qualified health care professionals.

During your appointment we will take a brief medical history and discuss your needs with you. During your 30 minute appointment the chiropodist will address as many of the issues that you present with as possible. Our Podiatrists have spent years training and treating patients, giving you the confidence in our ability to treat your feet.

Our regular chiropody treatments include:

We are also able to recommend a number of products that will benefit your foot health from our large selection of foot products located within the shop area of the healthcare hub.

Our chiropody team will also work closely with the healthcare hub assistants and direct them specifically on the footwear that they would recommend for your foot type. The Healthcare Hub has a large selection of comfortable, stylish footwear to choose from.

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